

  /    /  Mobility

The Mobility committee was renamed from the original "Automotive" committee in 2019 to reflect an expansion in focus and reach. The decision was made to take into account the automotive industry's ongoing transformation and to embrace the opportunities and address the new challenges arising from the trends towards greater electrification, connectivity, digitalisation, the shared economy and autonomous driving. In line with the new mandate, the committee's focus has expanded beyond vehicles and automotive parts to include engagement with stakeholders in government and industry in the electric vehicle and charging supply chain, digital connectivity systems and services for vehicle sharing and autonomous driving. Building on the mission of the Automotive committee, the objectives of the Mobility committee are as follows:

  • To advocate for a fair and reasonable regulatory environment that enables and promotes the development and adoption of the most innovative and advanced mobility solutions for the Taiwan market in terms of safety, convenience and environmental impact.
  • To improve the business environment for European car manufacturers, component importers and distributors by working towards getting recognition for existing vehicle component regulations for car leasing and the importation of new and second-hand cars.
  • To create added value for related Taiwanese businesses and industries by actively participating in ongoing transformation in the automotive sector.

The committee hosts bi-monthly meetings to discuss industry and advocacy issues, holds international forums, seminars and other activities to discuss strategies and actions on specific issues and has regular meetings with government ministries and agencies.

Committee Co-chairs

Mr. Rahil Ansari


Volkswagen Group Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Mr. Jungwoo Park


Daimler Trucks Asia Taiwan Ltd.

Mr. Fabian Bergeron

Head of Smart Infrastructure, Energy Management

Siemens Limited

Committee Dedicated Staffs

Vivienne Lin

Mobility, Electrical Engineering & Equipment and Retail & Distribution Committee Director

Tel: 886-2-2740-0236 ext 221

Calvin Lam

Mobility, Electrical Engineering & Equipment and Retail & Distribution Committee Officer

Tel: 886-2-2740-0236 ext 225