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ECCT announces 2021 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors

ECCT announces 2021 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors

The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today announced that H Henry Chang, Principal at Baker McKenzie, will serve as chairman of the ECCT’s board of directors in 2021 for a one-year term. H Henry Chang was elected by the new board of directors at their first meeting following the chamber’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) today. The 2021 boards of 15 directors and 5 supervisors were voted into office at today’s AGM by ECCT members (please see below for a full list of directors and supervisors).

In its annual report to members at today’s AGM, outgoing 2020 Chairman Giuseppe Izzo reported that 2020 was a challenging year given the coronavirus pandemic. However, despite the pandemic, the ECCT managed to sustain its operations and activities with few disruptions. The chamber engaged frequently with government ministries and agencies throughout the year, helping to further promote members’ business interests. Membership continued to increase to 919 individuals and the quality and participation at events remained exceptionally high. A number of successful events were held and, in terms of advocacy, the chamber achieved progress on around 19% of the issues raised in its 2020 Position Papers, a level similar to previous years.

The ECCT was extremely active during the year, holding activities which included Premium Events, webinars featuring speakers from the Asia Pacific region and Europe, committee meetings and government visits, which attracted high profile guest speakers. There were three major highlights of the year: the annual Europe Day Dinner, the 2020 Global Offshore Wind Summit and the 2020 ECCT EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum. All events received positive reviews from members. ECCT members and the secretariat also arranged or participated in numerous conferences, seminars and forums in conjunction with government agencies.


2021 Board of Directors

H Henry Chang, Principal, Baker McKenzie

Other Directors (in alphabetical order)
Bart Linssen, Managing Director, Enercon Taiwan Ltd.
Chen Mei-lin, COO, Richemont Asia Pacific Ltd., Taiwan Branch
Erdal Elver, President & CEO, Siemens Limited Taiwan
Francine Wu, CEO, Schroders Investment Management (Taiwan) Limited
Frederic Chevallier, Managing Director, Kuehne + Nagel Ltd.
Giuseppe Izzo, Managing Director, Taiwan & Vice President, Asia Pacific Region, STMicroelectronics Ltd.
Irene Feng, Managing Director, Fresenius Medical Care Group
Jan Hollmann, Managing Director, Robert Bosch Taiwan Ltd.
Kathy Chen, General Manager, Clarins PTE Ltd., Taiwan Branch
Lawrence Wang, CEO, Carrefour Taiwan
Markus Wild, Managing Director, EnBW Asia Pacific Ltd.
Matthias Schepers, Group Managing Director, Audi Volkswagen Taiwan Co., Ltd
Manon Breuvart, General Manager, BNP Paribas Taipei Branch
Olivier Blachier, President, Air Liquide Far Eastern Ltd.

Alternate Directors (in order of election)
Pascal Delval, General Manager, RT-MART International Ltd.

John Winter, Country Manager, Robert Walters
Mathias Busse, CEO, Porsche Taiwan Motors Ltd.
Steve Profit, General Manager, Novo Nordisk Pharma (Taiwan) Ltd.
Thomas Kuiper, General Manager, Gandi Asia Ltd

2021 Board of Supervisors

Executive Supervisor
Mike Jewell, Freelance Consultant

Other Supervisors (in alphabetical order)
Antoine Bouin, Vice President, Head of Area Taiwan, Schenker (H.K.) Ltd., Taiwan Branch

Marc Dancer, Chairman & President, Thales Taiwan Co. Ltd.
Martin Lindström, Group Director, DFI Home Furnishings Taiwan Limited - IKEA Taiwan
Tudor Pascu, Managing Director, Melchers Trading GmbH, Taiwan Branch

Alternate Supervisor
Bart van Schooten, Branch Manager, Van Oord Offshore Wind BV - Taiwan Branch



歐洲在臺商務協會(ECCT) 歐洲商會今日舉行年度大會,選舉2021年15位理事及5位監事(理監事完整名單請見下表),並由新任理事會推舉國際通商法律事務所張瀚書,法學博士接任理事長,這也是ECCT成立32年來,首度由臺籍菁英當選理事長。

在向會員的年度報告中,即將卸任的理事長徐尹容(Giuseppe Izzo)表示,儘管2020年因新冠肺炎疫情而充滿挑戰,所幸歐洲商會仍能維持運作,各項活動受影響有限,歐洲商會與政府部會密切往來,協助會員促進商業利益,除會員數增至919人,活動出席及迴響亦相當熱烈,不少活動均相當成功,在2020年建議書列舉事項中,約19%已有進展,與前幾年相近。

歐洲商會全年度運作活躍,舉辦菁英午餐會,亦邀請亞太及歐洲區講者參與線上講座,定期舉行委員會會議、參訪政府機構,並邀得知名客座講師出席。今年度共有三場大型活動,包括歐洲日晚宴、2020 全球離岸風電產業高峰會、2020歐臺電信論壇,均獲會員一致好評;商會會員及秘書處亦與政府機構合作,籌辦或參與多場研討會、講座及論壇。

2021 歐洲商會理事會名單

張瀚書,國際通商法律事務所 法學博士

黎森,台灣艾納康有限公司 總經理

陳美伶,香港商歷峰亞太有限公司台灣分公司 營運長
艾偉,台灣西門子 總裁暨執行長
巫慧燕,施羅德證券投資信託股份有限公司 總裁
齊偉利,台灣德迅國際運輸股份有限公司 執行董事
尹容,香港商意法半導體股份有限公司台灣分公司 總經理暨副總裁
馮冬萍,台灣費森尤斯醫藥股份有限公司  總經理
顏恆文,台灣羅伯特博世股份有限公司 執行董事
陳素慧,新加坡商克蘭詩股份有限公司台灣分公司 總經理
王俊超,家樂福股份有限公司 總經理
韋名凱,安能亞太有限公司 總經理
Matthias Schepers,奧迪福斯汽車股份有限公司 總裁
博瑪儂,法國巴黎銀行 台灣區總經理
歐柏叡,亞東工業氣體股份有限公司 總裁

陸晏德,大潤發流通事業股份有限公司 總經理

John Winter,華德士股份有限公司 台灣總經理
傅孟哲,台灣保時捷車業股份有限公司 總裁
施伯菲,台灣諾和諾德藥品股份有限公司 總經理
唐古柏,管地有限公司 總經理

2021 歐洲商會監事會名單


Antoine Bouin,香港商信可股份有限公司台灣分公司 副總裁

董紹和,台灣達利思國際股份有限公司 董事長
凌思卓,宜家家居股份有限公司  集團董事
潘杜德,德商美最時貿易股份有限公司台灣分公司 執行董事

巴特,荷蘭商凡諾德離岸風電工程有限公司台灣分公司 台灣分公司經理