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Announcement of 2022 ECCT membership fee increases

At the ECCT's Annual General Meeting held on 10 December 2021, Regular ECCT members unanimously approved a proposal from the ECCT's 2021 Board of Directors to raise ECCT membership fees from 1 January 2022.

Background context and rationale

ECCT membership fees have not been raised since 2018, despite accumulative rises in inflation, and upgrades to services, including the IT system, website, Euroview, and social media platforms. The chamber has managed to avoid increasing fees over the past 3 years thanks to a steady rise in membership to over 970 individuals that had helped to offset the rise in expenses. However, the increase in revenues has not been sufficient to completely offset the rise in costs. In particular, the pandemic has led to the cancellation, postponement or scaling down of live events in 2021, leading to a drop in overall revenue from events. As a consequence, the chamber posted a deficit for the full year. Furthermore, uncertainty remains about the impact of the pandemic in 2022.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) has therefore approved to increase membership fees by approximately 6% (the actual amounts depend on the membership category and are rounded off to the nearest NT$500). A rise of this percentage would represent a modest increase given 3 years of inflation. 

Since membership fees are written into the ECCT's constitution, items in the constitution referring to membership fees will be updated accordingly.

For a full list of membership fees please refer to Become a Member