  /  LCI   /  News   /  LCI Meeting with CIER President Dr Chang Chuang-chang 拜會中經院院長張傳章博士

LCI Meeting with CIER President Dr Chang Chuang-chang 拜會中經院院長張傳章博士

(L to R) Sam Hung from EnBW, Dr Lin Chun-hsu from CIER; ECCT Jimmy Lee; Sammy Su, Freddie Höglund; Dr Chang Chuang-chang, CIER President (central); Dr Liang Chi-yuan from CIER; Jasmine Liao from PwC; Rick Lin from EnBW; Charles Luh from TÜV Rheinland; Dr Chen Shin-hui from CIER; Dr Lo Shih-fang from CIER

ECCT CEO Freddie Höglund led a delegation of ECCT members to visit Dr Chang Chuang-chang, President of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER, 中經院 張傳章院長) to exchange views on renewable energy trading and offshore wind investment, and discuss bilateral collaboration on the forthcoming Global Offshore Wind Summit Taiwan (GOWST) 2020 that is being organised by the ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

At the meeting, Dr Chang, who was the previous vice chairperson of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), shared his past experiences of advising local insurance companies to direct investment to the offshore wind industry, and how Taiwan promotes corporate governance synchronised with Sustainable Development Goals and renewable energy development.  Dr Liang Chi-yuan, Chair Professor of CIER, stressed the urgency of nurturing talent in Taiwan in project financing to reduce the risks of offshore wind investment. In this regard, he said that Taiwan could draw on experience from Europe in the use of green certificates and renewable energy trading.

Dr Liang Chi-yuan, Chair Professor of CIER (1st left); Dr Chang Chuang-chang, President of CIER (central)

Dr Lin Chun-hsu, Deputy Director of CIER's Center of Green Economy

The CEO expressed appreciation to Dr Chang and the CIER for its previous and ongoing collaboration with the ECCT. ECCT members from EnBW, PwC, and TÜV Rheinland introduced their planning and strategies in Taiwan. ECCT LCI Director Sammy Su invited the CIER to join and support the GOWST 2020. At the end of the meeting, the ECCT and CIER reached agreement that the both sides will continue to work together on green financing projects and events in the future.  

LCI Director Sammy Su (3rd left); ECCT CEO Freddie Höglund (4th left)