ECCT Wind Energy Committee Event – Launch of stakeholder engagement report
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ECCT Wind Energy Committee Event
Taiwan Renewable Energy Industry Challenges
Best Practice Report for Stakeholder Engagement and Permitting
Guests of honour
- Dr Chen Chung-Hsien, Director, Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division, Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Mr. Luke Cheng, Deputy CEO, Green Energy Industry Promotion Center, Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Mr. Su Jin-sheng, Director, Office of Energy & Carbon Reduction, Executive Yuan
- Mr. Tsai Meng-Yu, Director, Department of Environment Protection, Ministry of Environment
Guest speaker
Dr Chen Chung-Hsien, Director, Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division, Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date & Time: Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 11:30-14:00 (reception starts at 11:30, lunch begins at 12:00)
Venue: 4F, Park Avenue Room, Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei
Address: No. 160 Renai Rd Section 3 Taipei City Taiwan
Experience with renewable energy projects over the last decade in Taiwan has revealed opportunities to improve the permitting process and stakeholder engagement. To address this, members of the ECCT Wind Energy Committee’s Stakeholder Engagement Best Practices Working Group have collaborated to produce a report which identifies the main challenges and makes recommendations to improve the stakeholder engagement and permitting process. This event has been arranged to launch the report as a basis for further dialogue with the government and other stakeholders.
The report summarises the challenges faced by the industry, examines best international practices, standards, and associated academic research to provide an in-depth analysis of the current industry situation in Taiwan and offers concrete recommendations for green energy development in Taiwan. By initiating this much-needed dialogue among stakeholders from government, political parties, and the general public, the goal is to foster collaboration between the private and public sectors to address current challenges and achieve the common goals of expanding and expediting Taiwan’s renewable energy rollout.
The event will feature an opening speech by Dr Chen Chung-Hsien, Director of the Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division of the Energy Administration, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and presentations by members of the ECCT Wind Energy Committee’s Stakeholder Engagement Best Practices Working Group, comprising 33 industry experts from 27 international and local companies and organisations, on: 1) Project cycles for renewable energy projects and an update on Taiwan’s current consent regime for offshore wind; 2) The importance of stakeholder engagement in renewable energy projects and 3) Key findings of the stakeholder engagement report.
About the guest speaker
Dr Chen Chung-Hsien is the Director of the Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division of the Energy Administration, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In this position, he is responsible for the overall integration of renewable energy policy involving wind power and the development of green energy technology. Dr Chen received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University. He has served as chair of the APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) since 2013.
Cost: NT$2,000 for members and NT$2,800 for members' guest(s)
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours before the event.
**About 48 hours before the event, you will receive another email that will contain a QR code, which will enable you to register at the event using your mobile device.
Contact: Caroline Tien
Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 220 / caroline.tien@ecct.com.tw
11:30-12:00 Reception
12:00-12:05 Opening Remarks by ECCT CEO Freddie Hoeglund
12:05-12:30 Lunch served
12:30-12:35 Speakers introduction by ECCT co-chair
12:35-13:35 Opening speech by Dr. Chung-Hsien Chen, Director of the Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division, the Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs
12:50-13:40 Presentations by ECCT Wind Energy Committee Stakeholder Engagement Best Practices Working Group
-Presentation 1: Project cycle for RE and update on Taiwan’s current consent regime for OSW
-Presentation 2: Importance of stakeholder engagement in RE project
-Presentation 3: Key findings of the stakeholder engagement report
Q&A Session
13:40-13:50 Gift exchange & photo