[Fully booked] 2022 Taiwan Renewable Procurement Summit 臺灣綠電交易高峰會
- 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Event
2022 Taiwan Renewable Procurement Summit-
Date: Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Time: 09:30-19:00 (Reception at 09:00)
Venue: Hua Nan Bank International Convention Center / 華南銀行國際會議中心
Address: 2F, No.123, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei / 台北市信義區松仁路123號二樓
Organizer: Business Weekly 商業周刊
Strategic Partners: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 歐洲商會- 低碳倡儀行動, RE100 Taiwan RE100 台灣
Tickets: NT$6,000 physical / NT$2,000 virtual, per person
Registration: Business Weekly 商業周刊
On 4 May, the 2022 Renewable Procurement Summit will be organised by Business Weekly, in cooperation with the ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), and RE100 Climate Group Taiwan to share best practices and strategies to meet renewable procurement demands through pre-order 綠電預購, group-buying 綠電團購, and free markets machanism 自由市場機制. As soaring energy prices have an impact on global business growth, switching to renewable energy sources, fair-price wind energy in particular, can reduce cost and help corporates comply with government policies, supply chain compliance, and fulfill their sustainability commitment.
5 月 4 日,⌈2022 綠電交易高峰會⌋將由《商業周刊》與 ECCT 低碳倡議行動 (LCI) 、台灣 RE100 氣候組織共同辦理,討論如何滿足企業採購再生能源需求的最佳案例和策略,包括:綠電預購、綠電團購、自由市場機制。由於能源價格飆升對全球企業成長有極大影響,轉向再生能源,尤其是價格相對低廉的風力發電,除了可以幫助企業降低成本,更進一步遵守政府 ESG 政策、符合供應鏈要求,並履行其永續發展承諾。
This is Taiwan's first-ever renewable energy sourcing summit focusing on three key aspects:
- Barriers and opportunities in renewable sourcing 再生能源採購的障礙和機遇
- Policies and case studies of supplying fair price renewable energy to SMEs 提供中小企業公平價格可再生能源的政策和案例研究
- Matchmaking and networking 再生能源媒合和對接
Participants will hear about available services, tools and policies that can unlock considerable amounts of renewable energy/cost savings and assist in achieving emission reduction targets. 會議主要以中文進行。與會者將瞭解到綠電採購的服務模式、工具和政策,協助企業策略性採購再生能源及實現減排目標。
The ECCT members who are to join the summit will enjoy the following benefits (on a first-come-first-served basis):
- 50 physical tickets of special rate, NT$3,600 / per person (fully booked)
- 50 virtual tickets of special rate, NT$1,000 / per person (fully booked)
The special-rate tickets for ECCT members are fully booked. Please sign up event on the Business Weekly 商業周刊.
*Members who register through the ECCT website enjoy special rate of tickets. 在歐洲商會網站報名之會員得享有優惠票價。
*The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 主辦單位保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。
*The organizers reserve the right to amend the agenda and speakers. 主辦單位有權更改活動議程。