Results of the 2014 Quality of Living Survey (Courtesy of ICRT)
Respondent: ECCT Better Living Committee Co-chair Bart Loodts & Senior Research Director TNS Taiwan Mike Jewell
2015 ECCT-ICRT International Charity Golf Cup
Respondent: ECCT CEO Freddie and Community Services Center Director Adam McMillan
ECCT's 2015 plans and upcoming events
Respondent: ECCT Chairman Bernd Barkey and ECCT CEO Freddie Hoeglund
Announcement of 2015 ECCT membership fee increases
At the ECCT's Annual General Meeting held on 5 December 2014, Regular ECCT members unanimously approved a proposal made by the ECCT's 2014 Board of Directors to raise ECCT membership fees for 2015.
ECCT Quality of Living Survey, 2014
Respondent: ECCT Better Living Committee Co-chairs Tim Berge and Bart Loodts