[Event Report] ECCT LCI Visit to TCX 拜會台灣碳權交易所活動報導

The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) arranged a visit to Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX) where they met with CEO Tien Chien-Chung (台灣碳權交易所總經理 田建中). The delegation was led by ECCT LCI Chair H. Henry Chang (低碳倡議行動主席 張瀚書). Among other topics discussed was how companies can trade carbon credits on the carbon market, carbon pricing mechanisms, the future of carbon credits, derivative financial products and potential future collaboration on ESG topics between TCX and the LCI.
歐洲在臺商務協會-低碳倡議行動(ECCT LCI)於9月12日由LCI 主席張瀚書帶領,拜會台灣碳權交易所(TCX)總經理田建中,針對企業如何購買認證的高品質碳權,以及碳權交易如何避免漂綠,碳定價機制、碳信用額度等政策及未來發展,進行密切的討論。