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ECCT and CPC release net zero report

The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) and CPC Corporation today released the Net Zero by 2050 Best Practices Report (歐洲商會-台灣中油 2050淨零報告書). Edited by the KPMG Taiwan, the report showcases some of the best practices and examples in Taiwan and globally provided by CPC and ECCT members aimed at helping Taiwan to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The report is the second such collaboration between the ECCT and CPC Corporation following the 2018 publication of the “Energy Transition for the Next Generation”.

This year’s report calls on the Taiwan government and companies to set up policies and preparatory funding programme to support national and private corporate pathways to net-zero emissions by investing in breakthrough technologies such as hydrogen energy, Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS), electric and hydrogen vehicles, and floating offshore wind energy, while at the same time enhancing energy efficiency in order to decarbonize power generation and reduce CO2 emissions. The report highlights efforts by companies in the financial and oil and gas sector to advance the transition to net zero by investing in new market opportunities, especially hydrogen energy, battery storage, smart grids and energy saving, which have been attracting billions of dollars in venture capital.

Wang Mei-hua, Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs was invited as the guest of honour and to give a keynote speech on Taiwan’s net zero policy and receive a copy of the report from ECCT Vice Chairman Giuseppe Izzo and Lee Shun-chin, Chairman of CPC. As the report was released to coincide with the first day of EU's Climate Action Week, Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of the European Economic and Trade Office was invited to talk about the EU’s climate policy while Niven Huang, Managing Director of KPMG Sustainability Consulting gave a presentation summarising the highlights of the report.

The best practices solutions outlined in the report include: Air Liquide and TotalEnergies have partnered to decarbonise hydrogen production and implement large-scale CO2 capture and storage solutions (CCS). Bosch offers the technology needed to produce hydrogen, fuel cells for mobile and stationary applications and hydrogen filling stations while K&L Gates shares the hydrogen policy and development strategy of Australia. Ørsted provides a feasible strategy for developing renewable hydrogen and RWE Taiwan highlights the potential of floating offshore wind energy. Merck describes developing materials that help to save energy and replace harmful materials with environmentally friendly alternatives. Michelin is producing tyres that reduce rolling resistance and therefore fuel consumption. Taiwan Power Company outlines how it is building resilient infrastructure for the green energy transition. TCI has pledged to achieve zero-carbon factories and zero-carbon products while Atlas Copco is committing to science-based targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in its entire value chain. Tonglit Logistics is part of an ambitious project to create a smart green carbon neutral logistics park. Standard Chartered is providing finance while the Renewables Consulting Group and TÜV Rheinland provide, respectively, valuable consulting and verification services to help their clients to transition to net zero.  In addition, the German Institute Taipei and French Office in Taipei also contributed to the report with national policies and strategies to reach net zero targets.

歐洲在臺商務協會(ECCT)和台灣中油股份有限公司(CPC)今日共同發布以臺灣2050年淨零排放路徑為主題之《2050淨零:最佳實踐報告書》。該報告由安侯建業(KPMG Taiwan)主編,並由歐洲商會-低碳倡議行動(Low Carbon Initiative, LCI)之18家駐台辦事處、企業會員,及台灣中油公司提出全球及臺灣如何實踐淨零排放最佳範例。該報告書是繼2018年歐洲商會-台灣中油「下一世代能源轉型報告」出版之後,歐洲商會和中油公司的第二度合作。


該報告發布日正適歐盟氣候行動週 (EU Climate Action Week)首日,本次發表會由經濟部長王美花、歐洲商會副理事長尹容(Giuseppe Izzo)、台灣中油董事長李順欽和歐洲經貿辦事處(EETO)處長高哲夫(Filip Grzegorzewski)進行開場致詞,而安侯永續發展顧問股份有限公司董事總經理黃正忠以提出總結要點的報告。

此新報告書各章節概述的解決方案中,液空集團(Air Liquide)和道達爾能源(TotalEnergies)已合作進行氫氣生產脫碳,並實施大規模二氧化碳捕獲及封存解決方案(CCS)。博世(Bosch)提供生產氫氣、移動和固定應用燃料電池以及加氫站所需科技,而高蓋茨法律事務所(K&L Gates)則分享澳洲的氫氣政策及發展策略。沃旭能源(Ørsted)提供的開發可再生氫氣可行策略,萊茵能源在臺灣(RWE Taiwan)強調浮動式離岸風力發電之潛能。默克(Merck)闡述其開發材料,有助於節約能源並以環境友善替代品取代有害材料。米其林(Michelin )正在生產可減少轉動時阻力,從而降低燃料消耗的輪胎。臺灣電力公司(Taiwan Power Company)敘述如何為綠色能源轉打造具韌性之基礎建設。大江生醫(TCI)承諾達成零碳工廠和零碳產品的目標,而阿特拉斯科普柯(Atlas Copco)則以科學為本致力於其整體價值鏈中,減少溫室氣體排放。東立物流(Tonglit Logistics)專注打造智慧綠色碳中和物流園區中。渣打銀行(Standard Chartered )提供融資,與此同時,睿思再生能源顧問(Renewables Consulting Group)和德國萊因TÜV集團(TÜV Rheinland)分享如何以碳盤查、驗證等相關服務,幫助客戶有效轉型至淨零。此外,德國在台協會(German Institute Taipei)和法國在台協會(French Office in Taipei) 亦對該報告達成淨零目標的國家政策及策略做出貢獻。