  /  LCI   /  News   /  Post-coronavirus Era Sustainable Future Forum: Challenge and Response to Promoting Circular Economy and Sustainable Development 後疫情時代永續新未來論壇: 推動循環經濟與永續發展的挑戰與對應

Post-coronavirus Era Sustainable Future Forum: Challenge and Response to Promoting Circular Economy and Sustainable Development 後疫情時代永續新未來論壇: 推動循環經濟與永續發展的挑戰與對應


Post-coronavirus Era Sustainable Future Forum:
Challenge and Response to Promoting Circular Economy and Sustainable Development | 21 July 2020
推動循環經濟與永續發展的挑戰與對應 | 2020年7月21日

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Date 日期: 21 July 2020 | 2020年 7月21日

Time 時間: 13:30-17:00 (Reception starts from 13:00-13:30)

Venue 地點: B2 Int'l Conference Hall, Hong-Yue Technology Research Building, NTUT / 臺北科大-宏裕科技大樓B2國際會議廳

Address 地址: No3. Sec.1, Xinsheng S Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City / 台北市新生南路一段3號

Adviser 指導單位: Ministry of Science and Technology 科技部

Organizers主辦單位: NTUT College of Management 臺北科大管理學院; International Industry-Academia Alliance of NTUT 臺北科大產學聯盟; EMBA Association of NTUT College of Management 臺北科大管理學院EMBA校友會

Co-organizers 協辦單位: 財團法人中國生產力中心; 中華經濟研究院 臺北科大新世代住商與工業節能研究中心; ECCT-Low Carbon Initiative 歐洲在臺商務協會-低碳倡議行動

The circular economy is not only an inevitable trend in corporate sustainability but also a key element to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Over the years, Taiwan along with EU countries have both accumulated many valuable experiences, which can be shared with the public.

While the Covid-19 pandemic causes significant economic damage on the global economy, it "unexpectedly" reduces environmental impacts of production and consumption that prompt us to review the improved environments brought by the pandemic.

Entering the post-COVID, how the public and private sectors, academic as well as research institutes in Taiwan adapt to the new situation? The Organizers invite experts from benchmark enterprises, think tanks, academic circles along with the public sector at home and abroad to share their experiences, challenges and practices in promoting the circular economy. ECCT Chairman Mr Giuseppe Izzo will be invited as one of the keynote speakers, to give an introduction of "New Business Models in Sustainability: ECCT Case Studies" and share the experience from global insights. We hope you will join us in sharing your thoughts and ideas!

循環經濟不僅是企業永續經營的必然趨勢,也是達成聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)的關鍵要素,台灣與歐盟在推動循環經濟方面已累積不少經驗足堪借鏡;而面對因COVID-19疫情衝擊全球經濟卻「意外」導致地球環境品質改善而帶來的省思,產官學界未來將如何因應此一新的經濟情勢?此論壇將邀請國內外循環經濟之標竿企業、智庫、學界及主管機關分享推動相關經驗、挑戰與做法,歐洲商會理事長 尹容亦受邀至專題演講「循環經濟的新商業模式-以歐洲企業為例」,與各界先進分享歐洲企業會員的循環經濟案例,歡迎蒞臨指導!

Agenda 議程


For more information, please contact NTUT Ms Lyu via 02-2771-2171 #6014.
如欲了解更多,請與北科大 呂專員連繫 02-2771-2171 #6014


*Please register on the event website. Any registration made on ECCT's website is invalid.