LCI participates in TEDx Taipei Innovation

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On 4 June, three ECCT LCI members from Bayer, STMicroelectronics, and Ford along with other five speakers enlightened over 250 audience at Neo Studio Taipei with their talks in the "TEDx Taipei Innovation", designed to inspire the audience with the cutting-edge ideas and works in the foreseeable future.
ECCT LCI first speaker is Dr. Robert Chang from Bayer sharing the "Dream Production", converting trash-carbon dioxide CO2 into treasure- a variety of usable materials applied to our daily lives.
Mr. Oleg Logvinov from STMicroelectronics is ECCT LCI second speaker, in 18 minutes constructing a "Smart Home" integrated with advanced IOT (Internet of Things) technologies before the audience.
As the major sponsor, Ford, the member of ECCT LCI, invites Dr. K. Venkatesh Prasad, the Senior Technical Leader of Ford Research and Innovation Center, starting his talk with a bicycle, arousing the audience's curiosity:"What's next?" and finally unveiling the key of accelerating vehicle evolution; the open-source platforms.