LCI New Member: Enel X Taiwan Co., Ltd. 義電智慧能源股份有限公司
Backed by Enel, one of the world’s 100 largest companies, we were established to be a factory for innovative energy-related services. While our name may be new to some, we are leading the transformation of the energy sector around the world.
In Taiwan, our mission is to help businesses harness power flexibility to transform how they power their operations. We are the global market leader in this space, managing a 24/7 “virtual power plant” across five continents, equal in size to six nuclear power plants. In 2020, Enel X became the first aggregator to trade in Taiwan’s first open market for ancillary services.
We opened our office in Taiwan in 2016, and are the leading independent company in power flexibility. We work with a diverse range of commercial and industrial businesses including cold storage, food processing, manufacturing, and industrial facilities. With the recent passing of the Electricity Act Amendments and Renewable Energy Act Amendments, we expect demand side power flexibility reserves to grow and reach as much as 20% of total market reserves.
As Taiwan strives to become greener and pollution free, virtual power plants will continue to play an increasingly significant role in optimizing energy assets for businesses and enhancing resilience of the power system. We aim to part of Taiwan’s circular economy, where higher power flexibility leads to a reliable and accommodating power system, leading to a flexible, stable and green economy.
Driven by electricity market reforms, the opportunities for innovative businesses to earn money from power flexibility will grow tenfold over the next five years. We believe we are the only company with the expertise, technology platform and financial strength necessary to help businesses capture maximum value from these growing opportunities.
For more information, please visit:
Enel X 屬於Enel (義大利國家電力公司) 集團, 是世界百大企業之一並且為全球前三大的電力集團。 Enel X 創立宗旨就是要成為能源創新服務的世界工廠, 並且Enel X 目前正在領航能源轉型, 在全球各地已擁有許多成功案例。
在台灣,我們的目標是協助企業提升用電彈性(Power Flexibility)改革營運模式。 我們是這個領域的全球市場先驅, Enel X 在全球五大洲運行的虛擬電廠(Virtual Power Plant)規模已相當於6座核電廠, 提供全年無休服務。 2020年,我們很榮幸成為台灣第一個在市場交易平台上提供輔助服務的用戶群代表。
台灣目前正積極推廣零汙染的非核家園, 因此虛擬電廠將會持續扮演不可或缺的角色, 促進企業能源資產的最佳配置並同時強化電網韌性。虛擬電廠是我們持續積極成為台灣能源循環經濟中的重要推手, 增加企業用電彈性增強電網穩定度與調節性, 讓台灣擁有更多資源來導入更豐富及多元的綠色經濟。
我們相信台灣的能源轉型在未來五年將會以倍數增加用電彈性的獲利機會, 而Enel X的全方位服務將會是企業最需要的策略夥伴。