LCI lunch with the Deputy Minister 與內政部次長午餐會

Group photo of MOI and LCI steering commitee.
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) hosted a luncheon at the Grand Hyatt Taipei, featuring guests of honour Dr. Hua Ching-chun, Political Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) together with two senior officials from the MOI: Lin Biing-shiun, Director, Construction and Planning Agency
內政部營建署 and Lo Shih-chi, Director, Architecture Building Research Institute 內政部建築研究所. The lunch was preceeded by the LCI's 2018 mid-year meeting. Deputy Minister Hua was introduced by ECCT Vice Chairman Giuseppe Izzo.

(L-R) Mr. Lin Biing-Shiun (L1), Mr. Lo Shih-Chi (L2) and Deputy Minister Hua ofthe MOI (Center, L3), with LCI steering committee member, Mr. Bodo Kretzschmar (R1)
Director Lo Shih-chi gave an update on green building policies, and how Taiwan's regulations would differ from Europe's. They also outlined the Green Energy Roof Promotion plan, which is aimed at encouraging home owners to install solar panels on building rooftops. The Taiwanese government is also promoting green buildings and building energy efficiency through its Green Building Assessment System. Director Lin Biing-shiun then gave an overview of how the MOI will handle wind turbine cases related to the Coastal Zone Management Act, a law which came into effect in 2015. The lunch was finally concluded with Q&A session featuring all of the guests, moderated by Bodo Kretzschmar from the LCI Steering committee.

ECCT members mingling during the event.
For a full summary of the event, please visit: