Green Forum on Air: Green Transportation & Electric Vehicles

ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (歐洲商會低碳倡議行動) and Taipei Broadcasting Station (台北廣播電台) collaborate on a six-month radio program "Green Forum on Air," (綠能空中論壇系列專題) starting from July 2013. ECCT LCI members interview with the TBS twice a month, each 30 minutes, promoting the adoption of low carbon solutions and raising public awareness about sustainable development in order to help Taiwan reduce its carbon emissions.
On 29 August 2013, Mr Thomas Fann, CEO of Ford Lio Ho received the interview, talking about green transportation and EV, topics are as below:
*福特加入歐洲在台商會所推動的「低碳倡議行動」 計畫的目的與使命。
*環保署推動「二氧化碳自願性減量協議」的內容、 福特引進了哪些環保策略或技術來達成協議中的減碳標準及目前獲得 的成果。
*什麼是Global gridlock?汽車往往被詬病為移動的污染源, 汽車產業如何面對降低耗能與減少污染的挑戰。
*福特提出的「人類移動解決方案藍圖」, 這項解決方案含括之近程、中程、遠程目標與具體行動。
*什麼是Global gridlock?汽車往往被詬病為移動的污染源,
To listen to interview, please go to new_ch/RecordPage_FM.htm? folder=TBS-FM-1-11&day=4&Time= 11:00~12:00 (click [2013-08-29], time frame: 25'20"-57'10")