[Fully Booked] ECCT LCI Event - 2021 Sustainable City Forum & Eco-mobility & Eco-logistics Report Launch 2021「永續城市論壇」暨「生態交通&生態物流報告書」發表
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[Fully Booked] ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Event
2021 Sustainable City Forum &
Eco-mobility & Eco-logistics Report Launch
2021 「永續城市論壇」暨「生態交通&生態物流報告書」發表
Date: 13:30 - 20:00, Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Venue: South Garden Hotels and Resorts, Taoyuan / 桃園市南方莊園渡假飯店
Address: No.8, Shuzih RD., Jhongli Dist, Taoyuan City, Taiwan / 桃園市中壢區樹籽路8號
Organizer: Taoyuan City Government 桃園市政府; Smart City Summit & Expo; International Climate Development Institution 國際氣候發展智庫
Co-Organizers: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 歐洲在臺商務協會- 低碳倡儀行動; ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability 地方政府永續發展理事會
The Sustainable City Forum is one of the major annual events of Smart City Summit & Expo (SCSE). Since its first meeting in 2017, the forum has received positive feedback globally every year. With an aim to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) # 11 (Making cities sustainable), the Taoyuan City Government, SCSE, ICDI, ICLEI KCC, and the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) in 2021 March will bring together global leaders and experts to share smart solutions in renewable energy, energy efficiency, green finance, circular economy, and Eco-mobility at the 2021 Sustainable City forum.
Under the theme of Sustainable Recovery, the 2021 Sustainable City Forum will invite more than 200 leaders from Taiwan and around the world to participate. It will be divided into two sessions: "Green Transition & Renewable Energy" and "Eco-Mobility & Eco-Logistics". The first session will include representatives from the public and private sectors to share their experiences in promoting urban development through green transition and increased use of renewable energy. The green transition depends on the development and diffusion of new technological, economic, social, and business model innovations. These include electricity production and storage, buildings, transportation, waste management, and environmental remediation. The second session will focus on how to implement and strengthen cooperation between local governments and the private sector on green mobility and green logistics.
With urban development in progress, cities are facing major transportation issues. Providing green infrastructure through Public-Private Partnerships can help to reduce carbon emissions and lead cities toward sustainable development. Based on this viewpoint, Eco-Mobility and Eco-Logistics prioritise developing sustainable transportation and urban freight solutions that are environmentally friendly and socially inclusive.
In order to accelerate the process of carbon reduction, the Secretary-General of the United Nations launched the "Race to Zero Campaign" at the UNSG’s Climate Action Summit 2019. The aim of this campaign is to encourage governments to strengthen their contributions to the Paris Agreement ahead of COP 26. Based on this objective, the campaign mobilized more than 454 cities from 120 countries to join the largest ever alliance committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest. In the year 2020, the world economy declined due to the impact of Covid-19. Therefore, local governments might prioritise economic recovery in 2021. In response to this tendency, the Sustainable City Forum is leading the calls for cities to achieve sustainable recovery as their goals despite the global pandemic.
永續城市論壇是智慧城市論壇暨展覽的重點活動之一。自2017年舉辦至今,每年皆獲得廣大迴響。2021年,由桃園市政府、智慧城市論壇暨展覽(SCSE)、國際氣候發展智庫(ICDI)、地方政府永續發展理事會東亞地區高雄環境永續訓練中心(ICLEI KCC)及歐洲在臺商務協會低碳倡議行動(ECCT LCI)等組織主辦的永續城市論壇,希冀讓台灣及全球的城市與國家代表、產學領導人等針對再生能源、能源效率、綠色金融、循環經濟、或生態交通等領域的智慧解決方案在此進行交流與合作,進而落實聯合國永續城市發展目標。
為了加速減碳進程,2019年聯合國秘書長於氣候行動峰會上提出「零碳競賽運動」,希冀於COP 26 辦理之前增加各國政府對巴黎協定的減碳貢獻。截至目前為止,約有454個城市加入零碳競賽運動,並承諾於2050年達到淨零碳排。在COVID-19疫情的影響下,全球的經濟遭遇衝擊與重創,展望2021年,經濟復甦將成為施政的優先考量,因此,希冀城市領導人在追求經濟發展的同時,也將「永續性」納入考慮。
Sustainable City Forum Agenda 永續城市論壇議程
Contact: Zene Fan / Tel 2740-0236 ext. 229 / zene.fan@ecct.com.tw
*The registration is only for ECCT Member and ECCT LCI Member. 報名對象僅限於歐洲商會會員及歐洲商會低碳倡議行動會員。
*As seats are limited, each ECCT member company can register one representative only. The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 本活動座位有限,一間公司一位代表報名。主辦單位將保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。
*We reserve the right to amend the agenda and speakers. 主辦單位將有權更改活動議程。