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[Event Report] ECCT visit to CPC Corporation Taiwan 拜會台灣中油公司

An ECCT delegation led by the Chairman Giuseppe Izzo held a meeting with CPC Corporation Taiwan Chairman Lee Shun-chin (台灣中油公司董事長 李順欽) and nine CPC executives. During the meeting, arranged by the ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), delegates discussed a range of topics, including CPC's plans for hydrogen, renewable energy feasibility for electric vehicles at the CPC stations, especially concerning energy storage deployment and the standardization of EV chargers across car manufacturers. LCI Chair H Henry Chang and CEO Freddie Höglund also shared information with CPC Chairman Lee, Vice President Michael Chang (台灣中油公司副總經理 張敏) and other CPC executives about recent meetings the LCI had in Brussels with the European Commission (especially DG Energy) and Hydrogen Europe. Delegates from both sides discussed plans for further future collaboration, particularly with regards to their shared commitment to renewable energy.