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[Event Report] ECCT LCI visit to Taipei's Environmental Protection Department 拜會台北市環保局



An ECCT delegation led by the ECCT LCI’s Vice Chair Eric Yu visited the Taipei City Government’s Environmental Protection Department (台北市政府環保局) where they met with Commissioner Wu Sheng-Chung (環保局局長 吳盛忠) and eight officials, including two deputy commissioners to discuss sustainability and net zero practices in Taipei. The meeting resulted in positive exchanges between the two sides and affirmed commitments to collaborate in a number of future activities.

The meeting was arranged by the ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) under its Green Finance, ESG, CPPA Working Group. At the meeting, the two leaders of the working group, Tsai Yi-tai and Bart Linssen, together with other ECCT delegates shared their views with city government delegates on sustainability practices in corporations.