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CWM CSR: Net Zero Carbon Column (Chinese) 淨零碳專欄


The CWM invites the LCI members and all corporates to share their input of Net Zero Carbon practices on its “Net Zero Carbon Column” on its CSR platform.

“Net Zero Carbon” has become a hot topic of discussion among global companies’ sustainability strategies in 2021. CWM CSR is gathering in-depth reports on practices and achievements from companies aiming for a net-zero carbon goal, in order to encourage more domestic companies to follow their footsteps. We therefore invite domestic and international companies to share their experience.


What you need to do:


Complete the following form (in Chinese) : 

台灣企業的淨零宣言 (


Find here the already published contributions as reference: 

【4.22世界地球日】從「近零」到「淨零」,我們如何加速淨零路徑? - CSR@天下 (