2018 TAIWAN-EUROPE Wind Industry Summit 台歐風電產業國際高峰會
09:00 – 17:30, Thursday, 15 March 2018
Taichung City Hall - Assembly Room, 4F.
(No. 99 Sec. 3, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung, TAIWAN)
Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) | Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) | Taichung City Government | ChangHua County Government
Economic Development Bureau | Taichung City Government | European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) |Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd.(TIPC) | Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC)

Overseas Supporters
Taiwan Wind Industry Association (TWIA) | European Economic Trade Office | German Institute Taipei | French Office | British Office| German Trade Office| Trade Council of Denmark, Taipei | Commerce Development Research Institute | Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Center (SOIC) |National Chung Hsing University | Feng Chia University | Tunghai University | Providence University | Jinan University | Asia University | National United University | National Changhua University of Education| Dayeh University | Mingdao University | National Yunlin University of Science and Technology | National Formosa University | Chaoyang University of Technology | National Chinyi University of Technology | Hungkuang University of Science and Technology | Chienkuo Technology University | Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology | Ling Tung University of Technology | National Taichung University of Science and Technology | Nan Kai University of Technology | Hsiuping University of Science and Technology | Overseas Chinese University
Guests of honour
Lin Chia-lung, Mayor, Taichung City 林佳龍/ 臺中市市長
Wei Ming-ku, Magistrate, Changhua County 魏明谷/ 彰化縣縣長
Dr Shen Jong-chin, Minister, MOEA 沈榮津/ 經濟部部長
Tan Ho-chen, Minister, MOTC 賀陳旦/ 交通部部長
Hakan Cervell, Chairman, ECCT 何可申/ 歐洲在台商務協會理事長
Madeleine Majorenko, Head, EETO 馬澤璉/ 歐洲經貿辦事處處長
Keynote Speakers
EU DG Energy Official 歐盟能源總署官員
Dr. Liu Yau JR, Head of Economic Dev. Taichung City Gov. 呂曜志/ 台中市政府經濟發展局局長
Dr. Leu Jang-Hwa, Director General, IDB 呂正華/ 經濟部工業局局長
Matthias Bausenwein, Co-chair, ECCT Wind Committee 柏森文主席/ 歐洲商會風能委員會
Wang Shyi-Chin, Chairman of TWIA 王錫欽/ 臺灣風力發電產業協會理事長
Chen Chien-Yih, Vice President, Taiwan Power Co. 陳建益/ 台電公司副總經理
Chung Ying-Fong, GM, Port of Taichung, TIPC 鍾英鳳/ 台灣港務公司台中分公司總經理

The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), following the success of 2017 Europe Taiwan Wind Energy Conf., in 2018 together with partners in government and industry, has arranged this full-day summit to chart the way forward in developing a robust wind energy supply chain in Taiwan. The event will bring together leaders from central and municipal governments from Taichung and Changhua County with experts from Europe and Taiwan to share ideas and best practices on the following topics:
1. "Taichung wind hub" of key content suppliers and manpower: How to make Taichung the regional cluster centre providing quality manufacturers, manpower and services for the wind energy industry.
2. "Supply chain building": Creating a win-win model and cooperation system and developing a large-scale, cost-effective and standardized strategy for offshore and onshore wind.
3. "Beyond local content": Pushing forward standardization and certification for wind O&Ms and procurement; learning from overseas advanced onshore and offshore wind equipment standards and smart manufacturing to enhance domestic quality; exploring how to establish unified standards for wind turbines, components, service, quality control and O&M personnel for Taiwan's wind and O&M industry.
The event will also serve as the forum for the signing of a Taiwan-Europe Wind Supply Chain and Talent Training MOU and a Joint Venture Agreement to set up a Global Wind Organisation Training Centre in Taichung Port.
Please go to the 2018 event website for full agenda and lists of advisors, organisers, supporters and speakers.