2016 New Energy Leadership Forum 新能源領袖論壇

Guests of honour 致詞貴賓
Dr Lee Chih-kung, Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA)
Bernd Barkey, Chairman, ECCT
TBC, Chairman, CPC
Daniel Chu, President, PwC
Keynote speaker 專題引言
Dr Lin Chuan-neng, Director-General, Bureau of Energy (BOE)
Date 日期: Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Time 時間: 13:00 – 17:00
Venue 場地: 中油大樓國光會議廳 Int'l Conference Room, 1F., CPC Headquarters Building
Agenda 議程: https://www.ecct.com.tw/file/pdf/201608091107568692.pdf
On 24 Aug. the ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), China Petroleum Corp. (CPC), and PwC co-organize 2016 New Energy Leadership Forum aiming to assist leaders from government and industry to set out feasible action plans to put Taiwan on track to implement green energy solutions.
The forum will feature two sessions covering topics including new energy generation and supply, low carbon versus high value productivity/energy efficiency and green financing, among other subjects. The forum highlights include Taiwan's Electricity Utility Law (電業法) and Electricity market development by Dr Lin Chuan-neng, Director-general of Bureau of Energy; CPC's energy transformation and electric vehicle chargers installation in gas stations by Dr Huang Dong-Li, Director of CPC Green Tech Research Institute; Google's green energy certification and direct purchase by Marsden Hanna, Google's Lead of Global Energy Policy and Markets; competitive wind energy price in Taiwan's renewable market by Bart Linssen, Chairman of Enercon Taiwan Ltd.
Please see the full agenda below:
Advisors 指導單位:

Organizers 主辦單位:

Co-organizers 協辦單位:

Wed. 24 Aug. |
2016 New Energy Leadership Forum Climate Action in Industries after COP21 |
13:00-13:30 | Reception 來賓報到 (中油國光廳 CPC Int‘l Conference Room) | |
13:30-13:50 | Opening remarks 開場致詞 : • Dr Lee Chih-kung Lee, Minister, MoEA 李世光/經濟部部長 • CPC Chairman • Mr Bernd Barkey, ECCT Chairman 白邦德/歐洲在台商務協會理事長 • Mr Daniel Chu, PwC President 朱竹元/資誠永續發展服務(股)公司董事長 |
13:50-13:55 | Group Photo 貴賓合影 | |
13:55-14:15 | Keynote Speech: Dr Lin Chuan-neng, Director-General, BoE 專題引言:林全能/經濟部能源局局長 |
14:15-15:30 | Speech Session I: New Energy Development and Solutions專題分享一: 新能源的發展趨勢 Panel Discussion 座談 |
• Moderator: Dr Eugene Chien, Chairman, TAISE
• Speakers :
1. Huang Dong-li, Director, Green Tech Research Institute,CPC
黃冬梨/ 中油公司綠能科技研究所所長 2.Marsden Hanna, Lead, Global Energy Policy and Markets,Google 韓.瑪斯/ 谷歌全球能源政策及市場開發經理 3. Bart Linssen, General Manager, ENERCON Taiwan Ltd 巴特.黎森/ 德商風電能源技術台灣分公司總經理 4. Shi-Long Chang, Assistant Vice President, Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, China Steel Corporation 張西龍 / 中鋼公司能源環境事務推動辦公室助理副總經理 |
15:30-15:40 | Intermission 中場休息 | |
15:40-17:10 | Speech Session II: Energy Risk and Management in Industry 專題分享二: 新能源效率的提升與應用Panel Discussion座談 |
• Moderator: Mr Daniel Chu, President, PwC
朱竹元/資誠永續發展服務(股)公司董事長• Speakers : 1. R.T. Tsai, Vice President, Delta Electronics
蔡榮騰/ 台達電子工業(股)公司企業本部副總裁 2. Dereck Devlin, General Manager, Atlas Copco 德瑞克.戴弗林/ 阿特拉斯科普柯公司總經理 3. Po-Chen Kung, Business VP, Schneider Electric Taiwan 龔柏丞/ 施耐德配電事業部總經理 4. Chen Quen-hung, General Manager, Sinogreenergy 陳坤宏/ 天泰能源公司總經理 |
17:10 | Closing賦歸 |
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