2014 ECCT-ICRT International Charity Golf Cup

The organisers, the ECCT and International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) chose the perfect venue and a perfect day for the tournament. The beautiful layout and scenery surrounding the Kuan Hsi course always makes it a popular choice for golf tournaments. On top of that, the course was in splendid condition and the weather was perfect – 25 degrees, bright and sunny. 14 teams comprising ECCT members and supporters of the international community took a morning off work to support the event. Thanks to some generous sponsors, players were well taken care of throughout the day, starting with a complimentary breakfast, goodie bags and soft drinks before the game, beer at the 10th hole, more drinks at the 19th hole and a lavish banquet and prize giving ceremony to bring an end to a perfect day.
After the lunch banquet, ECCT Chairman Giuseppe Izzo took to the stage together with ICRT CEO Tim Berge to present a cheque to Adam McMillan, Director of the Community Services Center. McMillan went on to thank the sponsors, organisers and players for their support. He also gave a short history of the CSC and its programmes. Then it was time for the prize-giving ceremony.
Perhaps inspired by the US Masters tournament, which happened to have started the day before the Charity Golf Cup, some spectacular golfing prowess was demonstrated on the course. Very few strokes separated the teams at the top of the leader board. The final results showed the Asian Tigers edged out Siemens by two strokes to take the top prize in the team competition (on handicap). Judging by the length of the longest drives and the nearest the pin flags (more than one was almost in the hole), there were also some excellent individual performances. Prizes were awarded to the best five teams, longest drives and nearest the pins.