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Santa Fe Relocation Service Taiwan Co. Ltd.
Headquarter Address:9F-2, No. 141, Keelung Road, XinYi District, Taipei 11070
Business Type:Consulting services,International Movers,Logistics,Real Estate,Storage Service,Transportation
Company Nationality:Denmark
Company Profile:
Santa Fe is a leading Relocation Services Company, providing a comprehensive range of the heist quality services to individual and corporate clients, including: immigration/visa, home/school search, language/cultural training, tenancy management, financial management and moving.  

Established in Hong Kong in 1980 and acquired by EAC ( in 1988, Santa Fe has continuously expanded operations throughout the world. Today, Santa Fe Relocation Services is part of the Santa Fe Group, which also consists of Interdean, Europe’s Leading moving and relocation company, and Wridgways, located in Australia. The Santa Fe Group offers professional relocation, moving, and records management services through 120 offices in 50 countries across Asia, Middle East, Australia and Europe.  

Santa Fe strives to attract, train, and retain the best and most talented people available to ensure that every client receives the highest possible of personal attention. Each year, staff members are selected to participate in industry conferences and training programmes customer service skills, consultative selling skills, worldwide ERC’s global mobility specialist training (GMS) and Santa Fe’s internal exchange programmes.  

The objectives are to encourage the sharing of best practices and educate key staff through a range of international experiences. The results of these efforts are recognized by the loyalty and long-term commitment of our team members. We have the lowest staff turnover ratio in the industry. Our 3,150 dedicated professionals are currently servicing approximately 100,000 relocations each year.  

SANTA FE 是一家擁有30年經驗的安居搬遷公司,提供全方位優質的個人與公司服務,其中包括:申辦簽證、安排住處與學校、居家服務、語言 文化課程、國際搬遷。SANTA FE 於1980年成立於香港,目前不斷擴大版圖,透過合併澳洲的WRIDGWAYS 與歐洲的INTERDEAN,SANTA FE在全球50個國家、設有120個分公司,並將服務版圖擴大遍及亞太地區、中東地區與歐洲。為提供客戶一流的服務品質,SANTA FE積極提供員工完善的專業訓練,包括每年參與會議和GMS證照培訓,希望透過這些訓練計畫,給予員工更國際化經驗及更優良的服務品質。
