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Siemens Energy Limited
Headquarter Address:9F, 65 Zhouzi Street, Neihu District, Taipei 114
Regional:Taipei City/New Taipei City
Business Type:Energy and Environment
Company Nationality:Germany
Company Profile:
Siemens Energy is one of the world's leading energy technology companies. The company works with its customers and partners on energy systems fo r the future, thus supporting the transition to a more sustainable world. With its portfolio of products, solutions and servic es, Siemens Energy covers almost the entire energy value chain from power generation and transmission to storage. The portfolio includes conventional and renewable energy technology, such as gas and steam turbines, hybrid power plants operated with hydro gen, and power generators and transformers. More than 50 percent of the portfolio has a lready been decarbonized. A majority stake in the listed company Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) makes Siemens Energy a global market leader for renewable energie s. An estimated one sixth of the electricity generated worldwide is based on technologi es from Siemens Energy. Siemens Energy employs more than 90,000 people worldwide in more than 90 countries and generated revenue of around €27.5 billion in fiscal year 2020.

西門子能源是全球領先的能源技術公司之一,攜手客戶與合作夥伴,打造面向未來的能源體系,助力客戶邁向更加可持續的未來。 西門子能源擁有豐富廣泛的產品、解決方案和服務,覆蓋從發電、輸電到儲能幾乎完整的能源價值鏈。 我們的業務組合涵蓋傳統和可再生能源技術,如燃氣輪機、蒸汽輪機、以氫氣驅動的混合動力發電廠、發電機與變壓器等,其中超過 50% 的業務組合已經實現去碳化。憑藉在西門子歌美颯可再生能源公司(SGRE)的多數股權,西門子能源是全球可再生能源領域的領先企業。 據估算,全球總發電量約六分之一是基於西門子能源技術。西門子能源在全球 90 多個國家和地區擁有超過 90000 名員工, 2020 財年總營收約為 270.5 億歐元 。
