
ECCT-GWEC Global Offshore Wind Summit - Taiwan Hybrid 2021 全球離岸風電產業高峰會-台灣 線上論壇

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ECCT-GWEC Global Offshore Wind Summit - Taiwan Hybrid 2021 全球離岸風電產業高峰會-台灣 線上論壇

2021/10/26       13:30 - 17:40      LCI Event / 低碳倡議行動活動      Speaker:Shen Jong-Chin, Vice Premier 沈榮津 行政院副院長; Wang Mei-Hua, MOEA Minister 王美花 經濟部部長; Chi Wen-jong, MOTC Deputy Minister, 祁文中交通部常務次長
  • 本活動已經結束。
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-Global Offshore Wind Summit - Taiwan Hybrid 2021
全球離岸風電產業高峰會-台灣 線上論壇 2021


Date: 13:30 - 17:40, Tuesday, 26 October 2021 
Format: Hybrid (The physical event is by invitation only. The ECCT members can register the virtual webinar for free)
Organizer: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 歐洲商會- 低碳倡儀行動, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)全球風能理事會
Fee: Free for virtual webinar

Register Here! 請點此報名! (Any registration made on the ECCT website is invalid)

Following the success of the GOWST in 2019 and 2020, the Global Offshore Wind Summit – Taiwan Hybrid will take place on 26 Oct. 2021. Organised by the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan – Low Carbon Initiative (ECCT-LCI) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), this annual flagship event will be co-organised by the Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC).
The event will be arranged in a hybrid live and online format. The GOWST 2021 highlights four major topics: 1) Taiwan's 15GW Round 3 phase of offshore wind development from 2026 to 2035, 2) regional supply chain collaboration in APAC, 3) upscaling ports infrastructure, 4) Renewable hydrogen from offshore wind. The summit will bring together senior government executives and global leaders representing European and Asia-Pacific wind energy associations, developers, OEMs, and investors, together with port authorities, supply chain stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the ongoing developments of wind energy in Taiwan under the theme “Sustainable growth of Taiwan’s offshore wind industry in Asia Pacific market”.
歐洲在臺商務協會-低碳倡議行動 (ECCT LCI) 與全球風能理事會 (GWEC) 將於10月26日共同舉辦【2021全球離岸風電產業高峰會- 臺灣 線上論壇】,邀請臺灣政府部會首長、專家及高階領袖,探討臺灣蓬勃發展的離岸風電產業,進而持續推動市場發展。全球離岸風電產業高峰會為年度盛會,為了因應快速變化的風電市場並提出最即時的政策及產業剖析,此論壇主要探討臺灣風能產業在亞太區域未來15年(2021-2035)發展的關鍵挑戰和機遇,如:臺灣

The distinguished guests invited to the summit are Vice Premier Shen Jong-chin, MOEA Minister Wang Mei-hua, MOTC Minister Dr. Wang Kwo-Tsai, Japan Offshore Wind Energy Development President Jin Kato, South Korea Offshore Wind Energy Development Vice Chairman Choi Woojin, BOE Director-General Yu Cheng-wei, IDB Deputy Director-General Yang Chih-ching, TIPC Chairman Dr. Lee Hsien-Yi, Port Esbjerg Chief Commercial Officer Jasper Bank, and Taiwan’s policymakers. The GOWST 2021 is advised by the MOEA and MOTC.
本高峰會邀請行政院副院長沈榮津、經濟部部長王美花、交通部部長王國材博士、日本風能協會會長加藤仁、韓國風能協會副會長崔宇鎮、能源局局長游振偉、工業局副局長楊志清、臺灣港務公司董事長李賢義博士、丹麥埃斯比約港 (Esbjerg Port) 首席運營官 Jesper Bank 以及各級政府部會代表蒞臨大會,並由中華民國經濟部 (MOEA) 及交通部 (MOTC) 擔任指導單位。
GWEC Market Intelligence’s latest market outlook predicts that Taiwan is positioned to be the largest offshore wind market in Asia excluding (Mainland) China. Taiwan government has announced plans to boost its offshore wind power generation capacity by 15 GW over 10 years between 2026 and 2035.  All eyes are now on Taiwan as it will connect 5.5 GW of new offshore wind capacity by 2025 and another 15 GW will be tendered by the government through the Round 3 auctions for commissioning by 2035. Taiwan is on track to generate over 20,000 jobs and nearly $30 billion in inward investment by 2025, making the industry a cornerstone for a green recovery in the region. By 2035, the investment from offshore wind is expected to reach $90 billion USD and create around 57,000 jobs.
全球風能理事會預測最新風電市場的展望,臺灣將成為亞洲除中國外最大的離岸風電市場。臺灣政府已宣布,計畫在2026至2035的10年內將其海上風力發電能力提高15GW。全球各界將所有目光焦點集中在臺灣,除了到 2025 年將建置完成 5.5 GW風電裝機容量,臺灣已通過至 2035 年第三區段開發新增15 GW招標容量。到 2025 年,臺灣有望創造超過 20,000 個工作機會和近 300 億美元的外來投資,使離岸風電相關行業成為亞太區域綠色復甦的基石。並到2035年,離岸風電投資預計將達到900億美元,創造約5.7萬個就業機會。


-Contact: Zene Fan / Tel 02-2740-0236 ext.229 / /

*Please sign up the event HERE. Any registration made on the ECCT website is invalid. 請點此處報名.請注意,在歐洲商會網站註冊是無效的。

*The physical event is by invitation only. The ECCT members can register the virtual webinar for free. 本活動(線上論壇)
*The meeting link will send to the registered participants on 25 October. 會議連結將於10月25日前寄送給報名成功之與會者。
*The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 主辦單位將保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。
*We reserve the right to amend the agenda and speakers. 主辦單位將有權更改活動議程。  

Event Details

Date: 2021/10/26
Time: 13:30 - 17:40
Registration Deadline: 2021/9/21
Cancellation Deadline: 2021/10/25
Venue: Virtual Meeting
Address: Virtual Meeting
Cost: FREE
Contact: Zene Fan
Phone: 02-2740-0236 #229