
2020 Sustainable Supply Chain Forum: Building Circular Ecosystems 永續循環經濟品牌供應鏈交流會議

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2020 Sustainable Supply Chain Forum: Building Circular Ecosystems 永續循環經濟品牌供應鏈交流會議

2020/09/09       13:30 - 17:30      LCI Event / 低碳倡議行動活動      Speaker:IDB DG LEU Jang-Hwa LEU 工業局局長呂正華; EETO Head Filip Grzegorzewski; Carrefour CSR & Communication Director Marilyn Su; Covestro Global Program Manager Kayla Wu; Decathlon Leader Thomas Walk; IKEA Sustainability Manager Linda Wang; Unilever Senior Manager Jennifer Yu
  • 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Low Carbon Initiative Event

2020 Sustainable Supply Chain Forum: Building Circular Ecosystems
2020 永續循環經濟品牌供應鏈交流會議



Date: 13:30 – 17:00, Wednesday, 9 September 2020
TICC International Convention Center- 3F South Lounge / TICC 國際會議中心- 3樓 南軒
Address: 3F, No.1, Hsin-Yi Road, Section 5, Taipei City / 台北市信義路五段1號3樓
Supervisor: Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) 經濟部

Organizer: Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), MOEA 經濟部工業局
Co-Organizers: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 歐洲在臺商務協會-低碳倡議行動 

*As seats are limited, each ECCT member company (from circular economy related industry) can register one representative only. The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 本活動座位有限,僅開放與循環經濟領域相關之ECCT會員,一間公司一位代表報名。主辦單位將保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。

Are You Ready for a Circular Supply Chain?
The circular economy is here to stay! Eliminating waste, saving energy, developing new revenue streams, circularity will change everything.  Revolutionizing the current linear model of economics is attracting increasing attention from major global companies and even world governments.  This fall, we will create something special, the first of its kind closed-door matchmaking meeting on the Circular Supply Chain in partnership with the ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI). Speakers from international business leaders, Carrefour, Covestro, Decathlon, IKEA, and Unilever will share their experiences with circular sourcing, and learn how we can spark creativity across value chains.

新冠肺炎疫情打亂了全球經濟的運行節奏,但同時也迫使我們重新思考全球供應鏈重新洗牌後的生產與消費模式!後疫情時代,我們該如何藉由綠色振興計畫,在經濟逐步走向復甦的同時,推動並掌握轉型的機會?經濟部工業局本年度舉辦「Link and Loop:循環經濟品牌供應鏈交流會議」,與歐洲商會低碳倡議行動 (ECCT LCI) 合作,該會議規劃以兩階段方式進行,第一階段為邀請國際品牌廠商介紹循環經濟採購政策;第二階段為分組交流及討論,促進國際品牌商與國內供應商的合作商機。

Speakers & Agenda



*As seats are limited, each ECCT member company (from circular economy related industry) can register one representative only. The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 本活動座位有限,僅開放與循環經濟領域相關之ECCT會員,一間公司一位代表報名。主辦單位將保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。

*This event will be mainly conducted in Chinese. 本活動主要以中文進行

Contact: Cindy Ke / Tel 2740-0236 ext. 229 / /

Event Details

Date: 2020/09/09
Time: 13:30 - 17:30
Registration Deadline: 2020/08/20
Cancellation Deadline: 2020/08/20
Venue: TICC International Convention Center- 3F South Lounge / TICC 國際會議中心- 3樓 南軒
Address: 3F, No.1, Hsin-Yi Road, Section 5, Taipei City / 台北市信義路五段1號3樓
Cost: FREE
Contact: Cindy Ke
Phone: 02-2740-0236 ext.229