
Financing Green Energy: PPAs and Other Innovative Models 綠色金融創新策略與應用論壇

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Financing Green Energy: PPAs and Other Innovative Models 綠色金融創新策略與應用論壇

2018/10/30       13:30 - 17:00      LCI Event / 低碳倡議行動活動      Speaker:FSC Chairman Wellington L. Koo/ 金管會主委顧立雄
  • 本活動已經結束。

Financing Green Energy: PPAs and Other Innovative Models 綠色金融創新策略與應用論壇

Date/Time 日期/時間: Tue. 30 OCT 13:30-17:00 (13:00開始報到)

Venue 地點: CIER Int'l Conference Hall  中華經濟研究院B1蔣碩傑國際會議廳

Agenda (CH):

Registration 報名:…/…/portal/webUI/course/pccourselogin…

Today, countries around the world are more firmly committed than ever to mitigating global warming and that requires the allocation of significant sources of low-cost capital to leverage private-sector investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Yet alongside these developments, the chief driver of renewable energy is its strong business case, which offers increasingly exciting economic opportunities.

On 30 Oct. 2018, at the Green Energy Financing Forum, organized by CIER, PwC, and ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), expert speakers from BNP Paribas, Northland Power, CIER, PwC, TABF, TAISE, will present the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and new models of green energy financing programs that some have successfully engaged diverse stakeholders to help mobilize capital and to shift the national energy market from government based incentives to private-sector financing. 

The forum is with free entry. For agenda and online registration, please go to:

Please note:

1) the forum is conducted mostly in Chinese;

2) the registration made at ECCT website is invalid.  

Event Details

Date: 2018/10/30
Time: 13:30 - 17:00
Registration Deadline: 2018/10/29
Venue: CIER Int'l Conference Hall / 中華經濟研究院B1蔣碩傑國際會議廳
Address: No.75, Changhsing St., Da' an Dist., Taipei City / 台北市大安區長興街75號
Cost: FREE
Contact: 資誠 蔡先生
Phone: (02) 2729-6666, x21750