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ECCT visit to the Maritime and Port Bureau

On 25 May an ECCT delegation led by CEO Freddie Hoglund and members of the ECCT's Customs and Logistics committee visited the Maritime and Port Bureau under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MoTC). At the meeting delegates discussed most recent amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).


SOLAS is an international maritime treaty drawn up by members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to ensure that ships of the signatories comply with minimum safety standards in terms of construction, equipment and operation. The most recent changes to SOLAS deal with verified gross mass (VGM) rules. IMO members are required to adopt VGM rules either in original form or with additional requirements in accordance with local/national laws. In Taiwan, implementation and enforcement of VGM rules is under the authority of the Maritime and Port Bureau. The bureau recently announced guidelines regarding implementation of the VGM rules for containers in Taiwan. During the visit officials explained Taiwan's draft VGM guidelines and clarified questions from ECCT members. In addition officials agreed to consider adopting certain suggestions from members. Furthermore, officials expressed that they would carefully monitor implementation of the rules after 1 July and would be willing to consider proposals from the ECCT for further improvements to guidelines should they be necessary.